When an e-shop is luxury and successful

According to a recent report by McKinsey and Company entitled “Digital Luxury Experience”, the luxury e-commerce sector is arriving at a tipping point, that is, maximum popularity with a turnover that could reach dizzy heights by the end of 2025.
In fact, watch and jewellery e-commerce is constantly increasing and registers excellent turnovers. In 2017, for example, on-line watch sales in Italy recorded an extremely significant growth which is bound to increase this year in light of first quarter data supplied by Assorologi. While e-commerce in 2015 increased watch sales by 14%, the following year this figure rose to 25% of the Italian market.
Indeed, the on-line consumer tends to preserve exclusivity and personalization features when buying jewellery, wanting to be spoilt and supported by a choice of product that most suits his or her needs.
The so-called "Generation Z", in other words, those more likely to buy luxury goods on-line, is in first place for making luxury purchases using this modality. This fact was confirmed by a study conducted by Bain & Co, which shows how the percentage of those resorting to e-commerce for this type of product is higher between 18 to 24-year-olds compared to other age brackets analyzed.
But what should the ideal on-line luxury e-shop be like? First of all it must offer excellent customer service management, reliable payments and valuable experiences.
In this way, by focussing on the customer and eliminating all the obstacles that e-commerce can come up against, excellent results can certainly be achieved in the field of trading in luxury goods on-line.