HI TECH + at T.Gold

The hi tech + industrial sector is that of goldsmithing, within which the company deals with buying and selling of machinery, precision equipment and consumables for processing, engraving, welding and production of specific industrial products / models both in Italy and abroad.
As part of this hi-tech market, it has also positioned itself in the medium / high sales range of 3D printers that represent the application of the Internet of Things to the jewelry, fashion, design, eyewear and medical sectors. and prosthetics used in the dental and audiological medical sector.
Hi Tech + also provides consultancy services for the purchase and wholesale of the above-mentioned products, the most efficient use of 3D printers and, in general, the improvement of the production / commercial processes of the companies operating in the fields indicated above. 3D not only for printers but also for scanners, made in northern Italy and used for the design and high technology sector.
Hi tech + works for the diffusion of Made in Italy products and technologies, particularly in the marketing of laser engraving and welding machines, produced in the Veneto region.