David Kellie and the New Youth of Natural Diamond

The representation of ideals linked to the world of luxury and glamour is changing profoundly. The world of diamonds, which has always been linked to glamour and an aspirational purchase, has gone with the flow in the last decade and has adapted to this disruptive social and cultural evolution.
While natural diamonds used to be accessible to the few, a symbol of wealth and prosperity, linked purely to celebratory moments, nowadays the new generation of young designers currently establishing themselves on the Olympus of Adamas, celebrate them by defining them as a sort of daily "indulgence".
They can be seen as the main feature in unusual and daring designs, not afraid to play with particular cuts and colors, and as guest stars in a new direction. «We are living in a season that aims to promote the integrity of the modern natural diamond industry by inspiring and educating future consumers. While in pop culture, diamond moments are etched into our collective memories, out of the spotlight, and around the world, people have begun to experience diamonds and will continue to do so as a very intimate and personal moment,» says David Kellie, Ceo of the Natural Diamond Council.
Perceptions are changing and the way people approach stone is changing, but natural diamond is experiencing a newfound youth.
Federica Frosini, Editor in Chief VO+