Villa Milano in evolution: from digital to Brera

The story of Villa Milano Jewelers goes back a long way. Benvenuto Villa founded the company in 1876. A goldsmith, sculptor and alchemist of great renown, he began to present his jewellery and sculptures at the great universal exhibitions of the time, winning a gold medal at the Paris Exhibition in 1889 with a very modern and hermetic silver "cube" sculpture.
That sculpture now resides in the new Villa Milano store, which moved from its historic address in via Manzoni to the heart of Brera last June. «The move to Brera is a celebration of the city. We left a street that had historical value to go to an area that now suits us better. Our craftsmanship remains our strong point, so we chose a place where this could be enhanced. Brera is the artists' district, populated by one-of-a-kind stores, something that the city center is now losing: big brands are taking the place of small, characteristic and high-value boutiques,» explains Alice Villa who, together with sister Francesca, manages the company with a new experimental approach. «We are making some changes to keep up with the times and even anticipate them to a certain extent.»
If wearing a piece of Villa jewellery means wearing a piece of Milanese history, Alice and Francesca, fifth generation at the company’s helm, are trying to take a new step towards the future, not only by offering creations of innovative design, but also by offering a unique shopping experience.
«The new boutique has a different image, with catching windows that will change constantly to spark the curiosity of customers, and a workshop open to the public, where people can see how our creations are made. We are investing greatly in digital, which will be increasingly important, but a business such as ours cannot ignore the physical encounter. It is the only way to carry on the narrative of an extremely strong artisan awareness and a discourse of uniqueness, which is still what leads customers to choose Villa Milano. Since 1876.»
Antonella Reina, Editor VO+