A weekend full of events awaits you

VIOFF’s third edition starts shortly and for three days Vicenza will be all about art.
About a hundred of old town shops will host fascinating exhibitions of young and emerging artists selected by curator Sharon Di Carlo. But shop’s involvement won’t stop there, as they will also become the stage for surrealist performances titled “Stained Glass – La mia vita segreta di Salvador Dalí” by Teatro della Cenere. Two performers a day will write on the shop windows passages from Dalí’s diary that focus on jewelry, stones, Palladio and surrealism.
VIOFF – Golden Arts will become the ideal context to discover the hidden trasures of the city. The initiative “Vicenza Underground”, which consists in three guided visits of about one hour and a half on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th, will escort the visitors through two routes in the most ancient areas of the city. “Antiche Botteghe e Portoni Segreti”, on the other hand, will be an itinerary designed to bring you among the most beautiful artisan shops of Vicenza’s old town. Among the guided visits, we also highlight “Vicenza 1333”, a traveling performance that will take place from 3.30 pm to 6 pm on Sunday.
On 8th September from 5.30 pm to 8 pm you can’t miss at Palazzo Brusarosco Zaccaria, where Library La Vigna is located, the preview of the inauguration of “Dedalo Minosse”. The living room of renowned architect Carlo Scarpa’s flat will host an exhibition of handmade creations and curious design pieces.
In Loggia del Capitaniato, both Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm, there will be the exhibition “Artigianato e Design”, while in Palazzo Trissino, another innovative exhibition will be proposed by Antonio Zamperla Spa. The latter will be about the most original ride fiberglass models designed by the group’s Art Department.
A must-see is the documentary film “Palladio. Lo spettacolo dell’architettura”. The exclusive version of the movie will be displayed from 4 pm to 6 pm at Palazzo Opere Sociali in Piazza Duomo.
CPV – Centro di Produttività del Veneto – will organize a work session displaying a specific goldsmithing technique in Piazza Garibaldi. It will take place on Saturday 7th September from 4 pm to 10 pm. Meanwhile, in the very same location, there will also be the presentation of “Ulisse – Il camper dell’orientamento”: a project with the main goal of helping the young generations find their way though innovative gamification methods.
Lastly, on Friday 6th September we’d like to mention the National Literature Award “Neri Pozza” that takes place at Teatro Olimpico at 6 pm. At the awarding ceremony there will be the German writer Bernhard Schlink and the English one David Nicholls, while the live readings will be provided by director Antonino Varvarà with singer Cheryl Porter.